Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I just learned something new! And it explains the reason for why I don't vote. I have never known before, and basically didn't care. But now I know why. Do ya all wanna know? Because it means absolutely nothing. Here we are running to the polls to vote for who we want to be President of this fine country that we live in and I just learned that it doesn't matter. We don't get a say. The Electoral voters make the call. We don't get to vote for who we want. We vote and then our reps vote how ever they want. The reason I learned that, I was looking on the net at some of the results and Obama had less votes by the people, but he still won the state!!! How does that happen? Well the people who get to vote, vote however the hell they want no matter what the people say!!!! So, That is my opinion on this fine country that we live in. Someone explain to me why we bother. I am 38 years old and it is the first time I feel as though this country sucks!!! Do I really feel that way? NO, but the way this voting for president goes, yes, that sucks. We might as well be a dictatorship, cuz that is about how it looks to me now!!!!!


Sant Family said...

Where were you in Social Studies? You crack me up!

Niki said...

I hated social studies....Are you telling me that I have to remember those things I learned in High School??? You are funny!!!!

Marie said...

I was just griping about the electoral college - let's do away with that and get back to the popular vote! Any ideas how?