Sunday, March 30, 2008


Did you know that no matter how HARD you try or how hard you think you are trying, that everything is not that easy? I doesn't matter if you think you are doing the right things and trying to do the right things, there is always going to be things that get in the way and side track you and make you think it is ok when deep down, you know that it is not. I guess that is when I need to sit back and remember all that has been given to me and to everyone else and be grateful for the freedom of choice that I have and also the ability to recognize the stupid things that I do and change them and learn from them. I need to remember the beauty that God has given us here on the earth and remember His statement of He never said it would be easy, but He did say it would be worth it.


Sh'Nell said...

You have had some deep, thought provoking entries. All true and great things to think about.

Calie said...

There are deffinitly things that will bring heartache first and then strength to you when you think that you can not bear them and thats when He steps in and takes over. I have grown from those times. They shape who I am today.
I always think I have it bad until I hear someone elses problems that are worse than mine and then I think ok I can handle mine. Hang in there....It is worth it! :)

Marie said...

Hey Niki! I'm glad you found me! It has been a long time! I just read through all your entries...We lived in Colville once, too.
A comment on this entry - Yes, life can present some tough challenges but you're wise to recognize and appreciate your freedom of choice. You'll never be a victim of any circumstance as long as you keep making choices.

Julie Carr said...

WOW all I have to say is.....You rock! I love you tons and you help me in ways you would never know. JULIE