Wednesday, January 28, 2009


These are hanging in my parents front entrance along with pictures and things from my brothers missions. I had almost forgotten about these and how cool they are. It has been a long time since I was on my mission. And one thing that I have found out recently, was a family that Nelson and I taught 16 years ago is still active and strong in the church. Makes you happy to think that you had an influence in someones life.
I am pretty sure I picked these lace pieces up at the Lace Factory in Nottingham. They are so cool.
And this one.... A dish towel basically... but they are cool... I really like the picture of me in this one.. I wish I knew where those are.. One of the elders took those of me while in England.. they turned out pretty well. ok, oops it is in the second one....

Anyway, I have a lot of time at work to just do nothing..... I don't like it, but I get paid to do nothing.... So in other words, I have a lot of time to think. Recently I have reconnected with tons of people from my mission and a ton of people from my school days. The Internet is a wonderful thing for that. I don't always like having so much time to think, but it is good to think about things that are good in the world or in my life. I have a tendency to fall onto the negative and I was talking to Kyrk today and he made some great comments. If I don't feel I am good enough, look at the situation in which I don't feel I'm good enough for and evaluate what kind of situation it is. That was a good one. I have doubts sometimes about my being good enough for things and as I put this too the test..... why wouldn't you know that I shouldn't have been there anyway!!! What a smart little brother I have..

This week is going fast.. I found out which ward I am in. They split them last week and so Sunday was the first time in the ward I am in. It is a good feeling to know where I am suppose to be. Haven't really met anyone yet, but that takes time. And when you ditch out the back as soon as the last "amen" is said, you can't meet many people that way :)....

I am really excited to be laid off from DHL.. Is that funny? I am excited to not have a job. It is so hard to want to go to work when there is nothing there for you. But as my room mate reminds me, it is a pay check. Dang her.. sometimes she is so smart.... :) I don't have long in school and I am excited for that. There are so many opportunities out there in the world for me. I just have to go and find them. Oh yeah, and I have to learn patience. I thought that I had some... forget it... I don't have very much... ok, for some stuff I have tons, but for things I want, I have absolutely none!!!!! One day....

Good night.


Fussy Faddist said...

It's that "not good enough thing" that trips us all up isn't it? I can hardly think of a message of the adversary that comes any stronger than the self-doubt message.
Kyrk gave some good advice.
But honestly Niki - you are good enough. We all have our quirks. We are loved by our Heavenly Father. It is a gift from Him. Why not allow ourselves to receive it?

Sant Family said...

I ditto what Gardening Gal said.

You are all that and a piece of sliced bread.

Love, Tif