Monday, April 27, 2009

Busy Busy Busy and sick

Ok, I know that it has been awhile and I have no pictures... but.. just like the title said... Busy, Busy, Busy and sick... I started the Academy 3 weeks ago and I have been sick the whole time. Do you know how much I hate to be sick? It makes me tired, it makes me grumpy and I want to smack someone.... How is that???

But, the academy is 3 more weeks and school is 5 weeks and I am done with both and living like a normal person. A job, a job, and a job.... that is it... NO MORE SCHOOL... I am so excited. Just wanted you all to know....

I have not dropped off the face of the earth although I would like to sometimes.. this being sick is for the birds....


Erika said...

Hang in there! I can't believe you only have a month left. Best of luck to you!

Marie said...

Hope you don't have the swine flu since you're so close to Mexico...
Hey there how are ya? Good job almost being finished with school!

Sant Family said...

I was going to make a smart swine flu comment, too, but someone beat me to it!

I was going to call you when I was stranded in Houston, but do I have your phone number? No I do not. I am sure I will see you, once we get down there in July.

Get better!